Artist in Residence

Publisert: 24.09.2021
Foto: Nyvoll Film & Foto
From the project Kaputt by and with Otto Sandqvist , Tom Rejström, Emilia Jansson and Ole Øwre. This residency was made in collaboration with Svenska kulturfonden og Finno.

Davvi - Centre for Performing Arts is offering professional performing artists the possibility to apply for the Artist in Residency program.

What we support

We accept all project within the contemporary performing art genre. Both laboratory projects as well as nearly finished performances is eligible to apply. In your application it is important to write how a residence at Davvi - Centre for Performing Arts would support and enhance the artistic development of your project.

The duration of the residency is approx. 20 days. There might be possibilities to stay longer. This request would have to be specified in your application. We ask all our artists in residence to make room for an audience viewing or some other form of public presentation during their stay.

The Facilities

During the residency you will have access to our fully equipped dance studio 24-7. The studio measures 16 x 10 x 4 meters. There is a PA, working and stage lights, mirror wall, dance floor, and a large window wall towards the harbour and city centre. The windows and mirrors may be blinded, turning the room into a blackbox.

The studio is situated on the third floor with elevators available in addition to stairs. The whole building is wheelchair accessible with alternative step free access routes to all floors, including to the studio, our office, and the toilet/shower facilities. All main doors are button opened (to the side of the doors in wheelchair reachable height), however internal doors are not. There are some low doorsteps from the elevators to the studios. There is an accessible toilet near the studio equipped with a hoist, toilet chair and a changing bed for adults. In this toilet there is also a baby changing table.

Our residency house is close to the city centre with an approximately five-minute walk from the Arctic Cultural Centre where the studio is located. Within the residency house there are four bedrooms and all modern facilities including free WIFI connection. The house has a beautiful view of the harbour and city centre.

The residency house is not wheelchair accessible as it has steps to enter the house and is situated over two floors with no elevator. The house is located on a hill so if you have mobility problems it might be challenging to get to the house on foot. We have alternative housing in a hotel next to the Arctic Cultural Centre that can accommodate those that have mobility problems or uses a wheelchair.

We know that there would be other access needs artists may have that we have not mentioned above. We encourage artists to reach out to us with access needs and questions if needed.


There are two deadlines each year:
February 10th - commencing the following fall.
September 10th - commencing the following spring.
Our estimated response time to applications after each deadline is five weeks.

Application-forms will be available five weeks before the deadline.

How we select

We select artists in residence by a few criteria:

  • Norwegian applicants have priority.
  • The project must have a need for a residency.
  • Professional partners and collaborators.
  • All genres within contemporary performing art can apply.
  • Implementation capacity.

In selecting groups: we aim to give residency to a variety of artists and projects. We will be looking at why you apply for a residency specifically at Davvi – Centre for Performing Arts, and what you aim to gain from working here.

We encourage practitioner from disadvantaged backgrounds to apply for Artist in Residency. Being from a disadvantaged background could be someone from a underrepresented socioeconomical background, someone experiencing racial or ethnic discrimination, someone experiencing negative cultural biases on a national or international scale, members of the LGBTQ+ community, someone living with disabilities.

If selected

If offered a residency, Davvi – Centre for Performing Arts covers low fare travel costs within Norway and per diems (NOK 435 per person per day) during the stay for up to 4 (four) persons. Costs for extra persons must be covered by the group. Artists traveling from abroad must cover their travel to Oslo by other funding.

In addition, cover we a small project fee of NOK 500 per person per day. Example of support for a group of four:

Per diems
4 x 14 x 435 = 24 360

Project fee
4 x 14 x 500 = 28 000

Apply here

The application form will be online usually 2 months prior to the consecutive deadline.

Resideanssa birra

Davvi – Senter for scenekunst fállá ámmát dálá-áigge lávdedáiddáriidda vejolašvuođa ohcat resideanssa min luhtte.

Masa addit doarjaga

Mii dohkkehit buot dálá-áigge lávdedáiddaprošeavttaid. Mii dohkkehit sihke prošeavttaid álgodásis ja measta gárvves čájálmasaid. Ohcamušas galgá muitalit mo resideansa min luhtte ovddida du prošeavtta dáiddalaš ovdaneami.

Resideanssa guhkkodat lea dábálaččat sullii 20 beaivvi. Lea vejolaš oažžut guhkit áigodaga, muhto de ferte ohcamušas čilget manin sávvojuvvo guhkit áigodat. Mii áinnas háliidit ahte sii geat leat resideanssas rahpet uvssaid gehččiide dahje dollet muhtinlágan almmolaš ovdanbuktima.

Dansearena nord lea jagis 2020 fállan ruovtturesideanssa dáiddáriidda koronavirusa geažil. Mii leat iskame leago dárbu joatkit ruovtturesideansa- ortnega dáiddáriida geat orrot Davvi-Norggas. Dál lea vejolaš válljet ruovtturesideanssa min ohcanskovis 2021 čavčča-áigodagas. Leat seammá gáibádusat go leat leamaš, muhto mii háliidit dieđu manin ruovtturesideansa lea eanet heivvolaš du prošektii. Čális eanet mat vuordámušaid dus leat ruovtturesidensii, guđe báikkis plánet bargat ja gos eará oasseváldit galget orrut.

Resideansaáigodagas beasat min dánsenstudio geavahit oktan visot rusttegiiguin birrajándora. Studio sturrodat lea 16 x 10 x 4 mehtera. Studios lea PA jietnarusttet, bargo- ja lávdečuovggat, dánsaláhtti, ja stuoraláset meara ja gávpoga guvlui. Studio sáhttá maid áibbas seavdnjadin dahkat.

Orrunviessu lea Hámmefeasta gávpogis, sullii 5 minuhta eret Arktisk kultursenteris.
Viesus leat 4 oađđinlanja ja visot maid dárbbaša, maiddái nuvttá interneahtta. Viesus lea maid várddus čáppa mearragáddái.


Mo mii válljet

Dáiddáriin gáibiduvvo dát:

  • Ohccit geat orrot Norggas vuoruhuvvojit
  • Prošeavttas ferte leat dárbu residensii
  • Ámmát oasseváldit ja ovttasbargoguoimmit
  • Dálá-áigge lávdedáidda galgá leat váldo gaskkustangaskaoapmi
  • Nákca čađahit barggu

Go mii válljet joavkkuid, mii háliidit addit resideanssa iešguđetlágan dáiddáriidda ja prošeavttaide. Mii deattuhit duogáža manin don ozat resideanssa Dávvi- Senter for scenekunst ja maid háliidat olahit go dáppe barggat.

Jus don válljejuvvot

Jus oaččut resideanssa, Davvi máksá njealji olbmui mátkegoluid Norgga rájiid siste ja biebmoruđaid (NOK 435 kr olbmui/beaivái) dan áigodagas go lehpet dáppe. Jus leat eanet olbmot joavkkus, daid goluid ferte ieš gokčat. Dáiddárat geat eai oro Norggas, fertejit ieža gokčat mátkki Osloi.

Mii gokčat maid veahá prošektagoluid NOK 500 juohkehažžii beaivái.

Ovdamearka mo mii doarjut joavkku mas leat 4 olbmo:

4 x 14 x 435 = 24 360 NOK

4 x 14 x 500 = 28 000 NOK

Dán jagáš jury leat guossedáiddárat ovttas Davvi – Senter for scenekunst